I believe this isn’t anything that the Hotel is doing… It’s NANOG giving 
members a two-week head start on the hotel block and not announcing it to 
non-members until the end of that two weeks so that members get first crack at 
rooms in the hotel block arranged for the conference.

To the best of my knowledge, there’s nothing special about this as far as the 
hotel is concerned… It’s just about timing how NANOG announces it to the 
members and then later to the rest of the world.


> On Dec 10, 2019, at 09:48 , Josh Luthman <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com> wrote:
> Online reservations?  Yes
> Exclusively only reservations?  Yes
> Restricted to a 2 week window?  No - I'd guess this was to keep it from being 
> so open ended and increase the cost of running the show.
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 12:35 PM Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com 
> <mailto:ra...@psg.com>> wrote:
> is anyone aware of any conference other than nanog which does
>     Online Reservations: (Open exclusively to NANOG Members only from
>     December 2 - December 16)
> randy

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