Thank you

I know SLTE can be further than 100m

On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 06:26 Mark Tinka <> wrote:

> If the SLTE and PFE are not going to be co-located next to each other, the
> 2 main considerations are:
>    - The Management signal between the SLTE and the PFE, which is
>    generally ran over copper. So 100m becomes the distance limit. However, you
>    can mitigate this by doing media conversion between optical and copper.
>    Also, it's quite possible that modern PFE's and SLTE's can run Management
>    traffic over optical signals. One would have to check with the vendors.
>    - The SLTE Launch Tx power into the wet plant toward the 1st repeater.
>    You'd have to design this for every specific case; whether you want to
>    co-locate the SLTE and PFE, or if you want to separate them. This is
>    critical so that all payload channels are correctly balanced.
> Mark.
> On 5/Dec/19 05:53, Mehmet Akcin wrote:
> is there any limitation of where an SLTE can be placed in terms of
> distance from PFE?
> I have looked in to usual palaces and i was unable to confirm there is any
> requirements for any distance. Any cons can you guys think of that you want
> to share would be appreciated.
> here are places I have looked at
> thank you
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 1:03 PM Mark Tinka <> wrote:
>> On 26/Nov/19 18:47, Ben Cannon wrote:
>> > Nowadays however, the CLS is looked at more like an ILA shelter, or
>> > when feasible cable landings are going directly into metro CNDCs as
>> > the physical gear is getting smaller and smaller and more suitable for
>> > colocation.
>> Nowadays, the SLTE sits in a proper data centre.
>> >
>> > There’s still the small matter of 11,000volts of power or more…
>> >  That’s usually kept out towards the sea.
>> Yes, PFE's will generally live at the CLS.
>> Mark.
> --

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