On Fri, 29 Nov 2019 23:26:04 -0500, Brandon Martin said:

> definitely the lagging factor, here.  I suspect it's at least partially
> because high-ratio NAT44 has been the norm for enterprise deployments
> for some time, and, among those who might otherwise be willing to
> support first-class dual stack, many enterprise IT folks lack the
> education to recognize the nuance between public addressing and
> unfiltered public reachability of a given host.  I suspect many of them
> are already using IPv6 for LAN traffic without even realizing it given
> Windows' penchant for doing so since Vista.

Judging how long it took to (mostly) stamp out CLASSA/B/C nonsense,
we're in for at least a decade of IPv6 firewalls that block all ICMP, plus
whatever common IPv6 misconfigurations and misconceptions are
out there (I was deploying this stuff literally last century, so I admit
not knowing what people are screwing up currently).

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