On 29/Nov/19 13:14, Brandon Butterworth wrote:

> And try busting or buying each other as they fight to be the only
> one.
> Aggregators get away with it as there is some value in not having
> to mess around buying each item individually but they get greedy
> and there is easy profit in selling bundles of exclusive stuff
> you won't use.
> If they'd stick to just being frictionliess marketplaces for buying
> any content you want they'd be providing a useful service (as IXP
> help in peering).

The trajectory for all of this is that, ultimately, if the VoD providers
do not come together and federate or make a solid plan, we'll end up
right back where we started - content piracy.

I will cop to being an avid Napster user way back in 1999. For several
years since, my main music sources have been legitimate - iTunes, Apple
Music, Beatport and Traxsource. All these are, as you say, aggregators;
and in the end, they will be the winners. I have zero desire to pirate
music - also, I'm a DJ :-).

I also have zero desire to pirate video content because Netflix + my
pay-TV service give me everything I want:

    - They are in Africa.
    - Performance is great.
    - Uptime is great.
    - Content is generally good.
    - Content is plenty.
    - Price is reasonable

I'm happily forgoing exclusive content on another VoD service, even if
it meets most of the above. That said, if they can integrate into a
single source, happily paying slightly more for the benefit.


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