On 11/13/19 1:06 PM, Niels Bakker wrote:
* mikeboli...@gmail.com (Mike Bolitho) [Wed 13 Nov 2019, 12:05 CET]:
This has gone well beyond out of scope of the NANOG list. Discussing who
watches what kind of content has nothing to do with networking. Can you
guys take the conversation elsewhere?

On the contrary.  This discussion informs eyeball networks' capacity planning requirements for the upcoming years.

It'd be nice to go from anecdata to data, though.

     -- Niels.

Indeed ... as an eyeball network, this is all very relevant.

Another aspect that hasn't been mentioned in this thread (I think), is that besides there being a potential saturation of streaming services, there's also the backroom dealings between content and content-providers.

Here's some data: Netflix just lost "Friends", one of its most popular offerings (and probably more than a blip on my bandwidth graphs) to HBO Max. This is but one example, but, as a whole, stuff like this is very important for capacity-planning.

Not saying it's gonna happen, but if Disney "lost" the Star Wars franchise to, say, Amazon, you better believe there are likely to be traffic shifts. (Yes, I know they own it.)

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