On Fri, 08 Nov 2019 11:23:17 -0800, Jared Geiger said: > What likely happened is that messages were queued on host to go out, SMPP > binds go down, queue fills up, host crashes. Then someone realizes the host > is down and brings it back up and the queue empties when the load is low.
What I've seen happen more often than that: Server goes partly belly-up, queue fills up. Backup process runs, backing up the queue. (Optionally here: Reboot the server and lose the queue). Much later, the server hits another issue that requires recovering from backups - and they restore a truly ancient copy. I recently got a replay of a bunch of email messages from 2002. I admit not at all understanding what procedure failures (multiple) resulted in reloading a mail spool from 2002.
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