> On Oct 23, 2019, at 8:18 PM, Constantine A. Murenin <muren...@gmail.com> > wrote: >
I’d recommend posting this over on the mailop list as well. Lots of discussions about issues like this there. I too send myself various cron/*nix emails. The difference is I send to my own domain on my own server so I don’t see the issues you do. (Or rather if I do, I can control them) Funny enough, I had a script that shot off an email with the malicious domains (blacklist) it had updated for a squid proxy that I run. I had to do some rejiggering to get this through, if I recall Spamassassin specifically viewed it as highly radioactive. Bigger picture, I think that (unfortunately) we will see more and more problems like this. With the large providers running so much (as you mentioned - “monoculture”), and their services tending toward the “black box”… I don’t know what the answer is. -- Brandon Applegate - CCIE 10273 PGP Key fingerprint: 0641 D285 A36F 533A 73E5 2541 4920 533C C616 703A "For thousands of years men dreamed of pacts with demons. Only now are such things possible."