That’s what I’m seeing as well, went  from 2.2G around 2:50AM CST to a peak of 

Luke Guillory
Vice President – Technology and Innovation

        [cid:imageade5f7.JPG@f6770aff.4fbbcff1] <>

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From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Phil Lavin
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 10:48 AM
To: Aaron Gould;
Subject: RE: lots of traffic starting at 3 a.m. central time

> Anyone else see lots of traffic coming down starting at 3 a.m. central time ? 
>  all of my internet connections showed strangely larger load for a few early 
> morning hours.

Someone, on another list, mentioned a 70% increase in traffic to Akamai which 
seems to correlate with a new Fortnite release

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