It's very difficult to properly build a resilient infrastructure when those
shareholders must get their value!

On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 7:33 PM Sean Donelan <> wrote:

> The FCC asked a half-dozen carriers about their network resilience plans
> last month.  Comcast was not one of the service providers askedd about
> their plans.
> The FCC should have looked closer at Comcast in California. While it was
> expected many people would loose home Internet, voice, video service when
> their Customer Premise Equipment lost power.  The FCC no longer requires
> battery backup for CPE.  That is now a customer responsibility.
> It turns out, Comcast's outside plant was woefully unprepared to handle
> long, i.e. 24 hour, power outages.  And even when power is restored to
> people's homes, Comcast service is often still down.
> Maybe the FCC needs to ask about cable system Outside Service Plant
> network reslience of Comcast.  Are other cable OSP resilience similar?

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