> On Oct 9, 2019, at 18:43 , Matt Harris <m...@netfire.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 5:28 PM Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com 
> <mailto:o...@delong.com>> wrote:
> > URLs are an obvious candidate to consider because they're in use, seem
> > to basically work to identify routing endpoints, and are far from a
> > random, out of thin air, choice.
> In reality, you’re not really talking about URLs here, even. You’re talking
> about DNS host names. (The part before the // isn’t really part of what
> you want to consider in your network routing scenario, neither is anything
> that comes after the first /).
> It’s not that we couldn’t use some form of hierarchically structured human-
> readable name for this purpose… It’s that using DNS host names _REALLY_
> wouldn’t work well.
> Except what if we used basic textual representations for addresses that kind 
> of looked like DNS names, but didn't actually try to use DNS names? Let's 
> even assume we keep DNS largely unchanged, but introduced "B records" to 
> handle the new addressing scheme, similar to how we introduced AAAA records 
> to handle translating between names and IPv6 addresses. Perhaps we also add a 
> special-case "TLD-alike" called .address to indicate when we want to connect 
> to the specified address and not do a DNS lookup of the name we've requested? 
> For example, let's say my internet domain is nanog.org <http://nanog.org/>. I 
> might have DNS setup for nanog.org <http://nanog.org/>, but I may also claim 
> addressing space under nanog.org <http://nanog.org/>. Since my ASN is 64500, 
> I will use it to advertise "nanog.org <http://nanog.org/>" to my peers: so 
> when you check a looking glass for nanog.org <http://nanog.org/>, you'll see 
> that it's routing to AS 64500 just like any IPv4 or IPv6 announcement. 

Except that’s not how it works for IPv4 or IPv6 announcements. You don’t route 
to an ASN (for better or worse, worse IMHO, but hard to fix at this point). You 
route to a next-hop (NLRI) and ASNs are primarily for loop detection/prevention 
and demarcation of boundaries of administrative control.

Other than what you do in policy based on the AS PATH or other AS-related 
attributes, they really have zero significance in forwarding decisions.

> Now if you want to visit a website called www.nanog.org 
> <http://www.nanog.org/>, and you punch that into your web browser, it's going 
> to do a DNS lookup. Assuming this addressing scheme is preferred over IPv4 or 
> IPv6, the first thing your browser will do is a DNS lookup for a B record for 
> "www.nanog.org <http://www.nanog.org/>" - and in my nanog.org 
> <http://nanog.org/> zone, I'll have one or more B records pointing to the 
> address hosting the site, for example:
> www.nanog.org <http://www.nanog.org/>. IN B webserver1.nanog.org 
> <http://webserver1.nanog.org/>
> Upon receiving this, your browser will then initiate a port 443 TCP 
> connection (or UDP for QUIC or whatever its protocol of choice is, in this, 
> the year 3305) to webserver1.nanog.org <http://webserver1.nanog.org/>, which 
> is what will be in the packet headers. Its upstream router will see this and 
> route it until it reaches a member of the DFZ at which point that DFZ router 
> will then determine that "webserver1.nanog.org 
> <http://webserver1.nanog.org/>" is part of "nanog.org <http://nanog.org/>" 
> and that "nanog.org <http://nanog.org/>" is announced by AS64500 which is 
> available from two transit providers, prefer one of them based on whatever 
> traffic engineering rules are the norm in 3305, and send the packet on to the 
> next hop for that route. 

Well, I’m not wild about the addressing scheme and I think it creates 
tremendous potential for confusion (and some serious implementation challenges 
for fast packet switching), but, I do like the idea of DFZ routing being based 
on destination ASN and candidate routes rather than on specific IPv4/IPv6 
next-hop addresses.

Also, you state two transit providers as if that is a simple 
router-implementable concept. That’s very hand-wavy in today’s world. Consider 
the following…

Let’s say we have transit providers A and B. You are ISP Q. You have border 
routers numbered Q01 to Q50 scattered around the world. Let’s say that each of 
these routers peers with at least one of {A,B} and that some of them peer with 

For a packet arriving on any Qn router, the answer is relatively simple (pass 
it to a local peering session and you’re done.).

Now, consider the scenario where 25% of your routers peer with A and 25% peer 
with B, but the two groups have a 50% overlap (12.5% of your total routers peer 
with A and B).

The packet arrives at one of your routers Qn that is not a member of that 37.5% 
total (12.5% A only, 12.5% B only, 12.5% both) routers that are peered with 
either A or B.

However, you have an indirect path on Qn via another transit AS Z that is 
announcing both A and B as reachable via its network.

Do you forward the packet internally to a router that can reach A or B? Do you 
pass the packet directly to Z? What existing or new knobs in BGP are used to 
control this? What are the default behaviors?

Today, the answer is simplified because you have a “Next-hop IP address” for 
each route and you forward the packet to the next hop of the best path received 
for that destination.

In your proposal, there are multiple “paths” to the same AS, but you haven’t 
allowed for the tracking/management of the multiple next-hops.

Of course, there’s also the issue of what happens when you forward a packet 
internally past a BGP-unaware router that doesn’t know about destinations {A,B} 
and thinks its best path is back towards where it came from, but that’s 
something we grapple with in today’s environment when faced with non-adjacent 
(indirect) next-hop information, so I would presume the same topological 
solutions would apply there.

> On the other hand, if you wish to simply load whatever comes up when you make 
> an HTTPS request to port 443 on webserver1.nanog.org 
> <http://webserver1.nanog.org/>, you might enter 
> "https://webserver1.nanog.org.address/ 
> <https://webserver1.nanog.org.address/>" which will then skip the DNS check 
> and simply try connecting to webserver1.nanog.org 
> <http://webserver1.nanog.org/>. 
> When I think about it, this actually seems shockingly reasonable, potentially 
> massive RAM requirements for routers aside (we're getting there anyway!). Am 
> I missing something? 

I think you’re missing several things, but the most glaring one is the one I 
outlined above.


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