> On Oct 9, 2019, at 15:10 , Masataka Ohta <mo...@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp>
> wrote:
> Owen DeLong wrote:
> >> It is merely that you don't understand ICMP at all.
> > Really, it's not, but I know you like to feel smug and
> > superior, so enjoy that.
> Are you saying you are so great that only the greatest can
> be superior to you, which must be enjoyable?
Not at all… But please, as usual, do not let your failure to properly
interpret what I said interfere with the conclusions you choose to draw.
> Then, you are wrong.
Were that what I was saying, I probably would be wrong. Since it bears
so little resemblance to what I actually said, I think it is safe to say that
your interpretation is in error here.
>>> You should really feel indebted to me because it's not a pleasure
>>> for me to answer questions having no valid points.
>> Rest assured that I will not feel slighted in any way if you were to
>> stop doing so. Please feel free to stop at any time.
> If only you have humbly asked properly targeted question as:
> > Explain that to ICMP ECHO packets.
> you could have been answered properly.
Echo was one example. It is not the only one. There are other ICMP packets which
do not necessarily contain information about some other TCP or UDP datagram
as well. I did ask a property targeted question. The fact that you failed to
a properly scoped variety of possibilities is not my fault.
> Instead, you intentionally vaguely asked:
> > Explain that to ICMP packets.
> trying to trick me with your poor understanding on ICMP and UDP.
I wasn’t trying to trick anyone. I was making a snide comment about your failure
to consider the much broader implications of your erroneous assumptions. I did
not actually expect a reply. Please note that your interpretation of it as a
shows the extent of your error in that it was a statement and not a question,
thus ending with a period (.) and not a question mark (?).
Perhaps if I say “note the absence of the word ka at the end of my original
statement” that will fit into your brain better.
> As a result, you are properly rewarded to make a fool of
> yourself in public.
If I have, it certainly won’t be the first time. However, I think from what I
seen in comments by others both on and off list that is not really the case
outside of your mind.