On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 11:19 PM Ben Cannon <b...@6by7.net> wrote:

> With the difficulty of getting IPs off SPAM RBLs being what they are, I’m
> not sure I like the bone-chilling idea of accepting null-routing entire
> ranges as standard practice.

I didn't say spam-rbl.

> Same reasons, no central repository, no easy/quick/objective/cheap way to
> remove an illegitimate entry - and then the real problem, there’s just 6
> billion of them now and
> they’re all over the place and you’re listed in one of them probably no
> matter who you are.
> -Ben.
> -Ben Cannon
> CEO 6x7 Networks & 6x7 Telecom, LLC
> b...@6by7.net
> On Sep 18, 2019, at 6:57 PM, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.li...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I tried to ask this earlier, I think, but...
> "who cares about the sale?"
> I ask this because I think getting wrapped around that axle is the
> wrong place to spend resources.
> If the outcome of 'someone' controlling IP space is that there is
> abusive activity coming from that space and either no actions are
> taken to correct that, OR the problem is endemic and there is no
> change over time, then the action the community should take is not
> accepting routes to these prefixes. Once everyone (or enough
> everyones) stop accepting packets/paths the address space isn't
> important anymore.
> If the 'rightful owners' of the space need/want it back there's clear
> redress for them via their RIR and the various networks which are /
> were offering transit to these prefixes.
> -chris
> On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 6:02 PM Job Snijders <j...@instituut.net> wrote:
> It would be good to see some receipts, offered by the selling party.

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