See below for high value of the list, both items are very pleasing

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 6:10 AM Hank Nussbacher <> wrote:

> On 05/09/2019 08:09, Kasper Adel wrote:
> No.  This is art & tech from 12 years ago:
> -Hank
> In SPRING a time when segment and routing had no mismatch, a time when
> isis and ospf ate a forbidden encap, all they had to do was forward bgp
> like its hot, but crazy flapping doesnt leave any real LDP without some
> real FSM check, My dynamic unnumbered neighbor.
> Suddenly, Out of order, an AS is overridden, we see frames dropping, we
> sniff a bit and it turns out, sfps are burning, we are in a place right now
> where ping and pong are jittery, their latency is tested, they cant
> strengthen their icmp bond with a warm bfd message, how can they keep
> everyone in ACK, safe from teardown and dampening, with this kind of ixp
> relationship??! but oh admin, we know forwarding works in its own
> mysterious ways. We are left with two non rfc compliant scavengers, bastard
> 802.1ah fools in a leaky yet shaped, buffer display of some runts and
> nimbles, and a giant too.
> They start their life of a packet, leaving one interface to a neighbor,
> from an adjacency to a peer, an endless loop, its a prefix hijack, but as
> they move from one stack to another, finding their way through a tunnel of
> memory failures and RMAs, one hell of an LSP ride, through firewall horrors
> and MTU mismatches, leaving behind, a sea of syslog messages and snmp
> alarms. Anyway, Their ttl expired and one funny access list abruptly denies
> them life, sending them to Null0, where they can be peacefully discarded.
> Thats what tech does to yeh


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