On 2019-08-16 14:13, Valdis Klētnieks wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Aug 2019 11:02:41 +0200, Robert Kisteleki said:
>> Hi,
>> On 2019-08-15 17:38, Christopher Morrow wrote:
>>> This looks like fun!
>>> (a few questions for the RIPE folk, I think though below)
>>> What is the expected load of streaming clients on the RIPE service? (I
>>> wonder because I was/am messing about with something similar, though
>>> less node and js... not that that's relevant here).
>> One of the (IMO) most useful features is that you can filter what you
>> want to receive. In fact this makes the service useful :-) So unless you
>> want to tune in to a significant portion of BGP chatter, the load should
>> not be substantial.
> I think Chris's question is more "Is RIPE going to be OK if a lot of people 
> ask
> for the extra-chatty feed?"

Yes, good point. Of course it could be a problem if too many clients ask
for too much data like a full feed... we're not prepared to provide that
on a large scale. For the moment we're looking at the effects of what
people need and if we can handle it with what we have built.


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