> On Aug 4, 2019, at 5:29 PM, Chriztoffer Hansen <chriztof...@netravnen.de> 
> wrote:
> The question was simply about if GLBP/HSRP had ever been up in discussions in 
> the IETF concerning publishing the protocol specifications as a standard. (As 
> pointed out. I totally forgot about the RFC concerning HSRP.) Haven't gotten 
> a response on the GLBP part. Which I am more than doubtful, myself, will ever 
> come to fruition as a standard in an IETF WG.

AFAIK (and any specific knowledge I have of Cisco is dated), Cisco has not 
asked the IETF to standardize its proprietary protocol. An obvious start would 
be for Cisco customers to ask Cisco to do so.

With HSRP/VRRP, someone wrote a specification that they thought Would 
accomplish the Cisco-proprietary objectives, and championed that through IETF 
processes. At least part of that had to do with a Cisco competitor and someone 
who had a bee in their bonnet. I'm not telling you to do that (my observation 
of HSRP/VRRP is that the result has been two competing protocols, not a winner 
and a loser), but it's a question you might ask your vendor about.

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