Is there a summary presentation someplace laying out the options that
are active in the wild with some deployment stats?

On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 10:34 AM JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via NANOG
<> wrote:
> I understand that, but the inconvenient is the fix allocation of ports per 
> client, and not all the clients use the same number of ports. Every option 
> has good and bad things.
> MAP is less efficient in terms of maximizing the “use” of the existing IPv4 
> addresses.
> Regards,
> Jordi
> @jordipalet
> El 2/8/19 17:25, "NANOG en nombre de Baldur Norddahl" 
> < en nombre de> escribió:
> Hi Jordi
> My alternative to MAP-E is plain old NAT 444 dual stack. I am trying to avoid 
> the expense and operative nightmare of having to run a redundant NAT server 
> setup with thousands of users. MAP is the only alternative that avoids a 
> provider run NAT server.
> Regards,
> Baldur
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 3:38 PM JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via NANOG 
> <> wrote:
> Ask the vendor to support RFC8585.
> Also, you can do it with OpenWRT.
> I think 464XLAT is a better option and both of them are supported by OpenWRT.
> You can also use OpenSource (Jool) for the NAT64.
> Regards,
> Jordi
> @jordipalet
> El 2/8/19 14:20, "NANOG en nombre de Baldur Norddahl" 
> < en nombre de> escribió:
> Hello
> Are there any known public deployments of MAP-E? What about CPE routers with 
> support?
> The pricing on IPv4 is now at USD 20/address so I am thinking we are forced 
> to go the CGN route going forward. Of all the options, MAP-E appears to be 
> the most elegant. Just add/remove some more headers on a packet and route it 
> as normal. No need to invest in anything as our core routers can already do 
> that. No worries about scale.
> BUT - our current CPE has zero support. We are too small that they will make 
> this feature just for us, so I need to convince them there is going to be a 
> demand. Alternatively I need to find a different CPE vendor that has MAP-E 
> support, but are there any?
> What is holding MAP-E back?  In my view MAP-E could be the end game for IPv4. 
> Customers get full IPv6 and enough of IPv4 to be somewhat compatible. The ISP 
> networks are not forced to do a lot of processing such as CGN otherwise 
> requires.
> I read some posts from Japan where users are reporting a deployment of MAP-E. 
> Anyone know about that?
> Regards,
> Baldur
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