Some PCI auditors (loaded words right there) will freak out and
you're stuck explaining the concept of life all over again...
Anyway, those works in a DC (25k') built inside a support structure
for a train station =D.
Wilson Pro 70 Plus Select (50 Ohm) Omni/Dome Kit | 462327
SKU: WA462327
On 2019-07-18 09:35, Matt Harris wrote:
On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 8:30 AM Robert Webb <rwfireg...@gmail.com
<mailto:rwfireg...@gmail.com>> wrote:
So I have a situation where I am trying to get LTE to an out of
band router and there is no signal available in the data center.
There was a booster setup purchased and I have a manager telling
me that standards, industry and not local, prohibit the installation.
He has yet to produce any documented industry standard so I
thought I would reach out to see if anyone here has heard of this.
We fall under NIST controls and I haven't found anything there and
have also looked at TIA and not found anything.
I've never heard of any industry standard preventing such a thing.
There are a few questions this raises though. The first and most
obvious being, are you sure that a "booster setup" will actually help?
Have you done a site survey to figure out how to actually accomplish
what you need to accomplish? The other question is whether perhaps the
issue he has is with the specific "booster setup" chosen. Perhaps
there's something naughty about it, in particular, that has caused him
to not want it in his facility (cheap Chinese radios are known, for
example, for polluting the spectrum outside of the frequencies that
they are designed to operate within.) Maybe he has other folks doing
legit RF stuff in there and doesn't want to risk that pollution?