> On Jul 2, 2019, at 5:18 PM, Joe Yabuki <joeyabuki...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> How do you deal with QoS for Office365, since the IPs are subject to changes ?
> How can we mark the trafic while keeping the security (I fear the marking
> based on TCP/UDP Ports since they are not without an additional risk coming
> from worms/virus using those ports for example, and doing that directly on
> the PCs doesn't seem to be the best solution) ?
Add bandwidth?
QoS is a great tool when you’re constrained and must classify your critical
traffic, but it’s not a substitute of getting enough capacity to offices.
I have only applied QoS to voice traffic to ensure it gets through, the rest
you need to budget for the bandwidth needs of the site. The price of bandwidth
likely isn’t insane in your market, but your budget may be.. I’ve found that
most places won’t quote you a service for less than $1500 USD MRC. I know you
can get the incumbents to often deliver 1G service for $2k/mo in the US (and
possibly cheaper).
I’ve found a lot of people are still stuck in TDM mentality instead of just
getting a 1G/10G service.
- Jared