I do not know what this issue is, I am not uhaul. The server does not
respond to pings/requests. It one way routes to their subnet via traceroute
and just drops off after that. 95% of the time it is a firewall setting,
the other 5% of the time it is a bgp issue on their edge routers, not being
able to reply to our packets being sent(one way routing issue).
We have a list of other little services that have the same problem, but
because they are little, we can CGNAT all requests to their IP addresses
from known good addresses. I've just got to assume that there is some
common service that they all use that cause this problem. Assuming they
accept BGP with proper filters and have a semi-sane firewall, there
wouldn't be any issues as we don't do anything special with our BGP.

On Fri, 5 Jul 2019 at 19:06, Neil Hanlon <n...@neilhanlon.com> wrote:

> Phone sent from the wrong email address and the list rejected it... Oops.
> Sorry for the spam.
> Server does not respond on.... Port 80? Or are you not able to route there
> at all.
> Seems like you need to get in touch with their team, but still a bit vague
> as to exactly what issue you're having.... Eg, is it a firewall blocking
> you or is there a route missing somewhere (this seems unlikely).
> Hopefully there's someone on list that can help.. Otherwise I think
> wan@uhaul is your best option.
> On Jul 5, 2019, at 20:59, Michael Crapse <mich...@wi-fiber.io> wrote:
>> The server does not respond to our clients when they originate from a
>> certain subnet, but they do with a different subnet
>> On Fri, Jul 5, 2019, 6:57 PM Neil Hanlon < n...@neilhanlon.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> Wondering if you might be able to clarify a few points... I'm not from
>>> uhaul but am a casual observer and have a couple questions. What does "not
>>> routing ips" mean? Where is traffic stopping?
>>> Can you clarify "unable to load the page"? Have any example traceroutes?
>>> Error messages?
>>> I'm also a a bit unsure what geolocolation or routing has to do with
>>> this at all. Your message seems to go back and forth between being
>>> application level and network level, so I think clearing up exactly the
>>> symptoms of your issues would be helpful.
>>> -Neil
>>> On Jul 5, 2019, at 20:32, Michael Crapse < mich...@wi-fiber.io> wrote:
>>>> Our customers are trying to access uhauldealer.com and are unable to
>>>> load the page. Classic case of incorrect geolocation and/or up filtering.
>>>> Our emails to their webmaster/wan team have gone unanswered or bounced
>>>> If anyone knows how to contact them please contact me off list

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