Great point ;-) thanks Tom

On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 09:29 Tom Daly <> wrote:

> Mehmet,
> Good idea, the opportunity for innovation and supporting ideas of others
> in our operator groups is important, but NANOG is probably the wrong venue.
> Have you considered NANOG's 501c3 not-for-profit status in your analysis
> of bringing this idea to the community? As a presenter, how would one
> protect his/her intellectual property being shown to the proposed "sharks"
> and/or the audience? (would an audience be permitted in the room?)
> I can't speak for the NANOG Board nor the Program Committee, but as an
> interested party in NANOG's 501(c)3 not-for-profit status, I am pretty
> certain this activity would jeopardize our recognized exemption with the
> IRS. I think this is an important detail you explore before proceeding.
> HTH,
> Tom
> On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 11:11 AM Mehmet Akcin <> wrote:
>> Hey there,
>> I am trying to put together an event at NANOG Austin (will submit pc when
>> CFP is open). So many of us had very interesting ideas over the years. Some
>> of these ideas became products or companies making life easy for engineers
>> and operators. Could there be other ideas waiting to be supported? Perhaps.
>> I am sure you all watched shark tank! In simplest words i am trying to
>> organize an event very similar to Shark Tank!( we will call it some other
>> name tho)
>> There will be some known investors on the stage and you will 5 mins for
>> your pitch and 10 mins to answer questions, and hopefully make a deal.
>> I will help those who want to pitch their idea with their p&l ,
>> presentation and other things as they needed.
>> Please contact me if you have any questions offlist and want to pitch
>> your idea. We need a single paragraph to get you started.
>> Mehmet
>> --
>> Mehmet
>> +1-424-298-1903
> --
> Tom Daly - SVP, Infrastructure

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