We deploy routers with Verizon LTE failover - for full functionality, make
sure your MTU is 1428 or less, per their specifications.

Here's an example doc from Spirent that talks about it.



On Mon, Jun 24, 2019, 7:51 AM Dovid Bender <do...@telecurve.com> wrote:

> I am getting the same for SSH and https traffic. It's strange. Where the
> response is something small like:
> <html><head></head><body>
> Moved to this <a href="https://63.XX.XX.XX:443/auth.asp";>location</a>.
> <!-- response_code_begin ERIC_RESPONSE_OK response_code_end
> response_msg_begin  response_msg_end  --></body></html>
> It works But when I try to load pages that are any bigger it fails. Like I
> said before I assume it's either an issue with the MTU or window szie. I
> was just wondering if anyone encountered such an issue before. It's not
> easy getting to someone that knows something. When you have some sort of
> concrete info the level1 techs tend to pass you along faster.
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 7:41 AM J. Hellenthal <jhellent...@dataix.net>
> wrote:
>> Could be wrong on this but direct SSH on the LTE side may possibly be not
>> allowed(filtered) and might just be something you could discuss in a ticket
>> with Verizon.
>> --
>>  J. Hellenthal
>> The fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven
>> says a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
>> On Jun 24, 2019, at 04:50, Dovid Bender <do...@telecurve.com> wrote:
>> All,
>> I finally got around to putting in a Verizon LTE connection and the ping
>> times are pretty good. There is the occasional issue however for the most
>> part ping times are < 50 ms. I have another strange issue though. When I
>> try to ssh or connect via the endpoints web interface it fails. If I first
>> connect via PPTP or SSL VPN then it works. I ruled out it being my IP since
>> if I connect direct from the PPTP or SSL VPN box then it fails as well. It
>> seems the tunnel does something (perhaps lowering the MTU or fragmenting
>> packets) that allows it to work. Any thoughts?
>> TIA.
>> On Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 8:18 AM Dovid Bender <do...@telecurve.com> wrote:
>>> Anyone know if Verizon static IP's over LTE have same issue where they
>>> bounce the traffic around before it gets back to the NY metro area?
>>> On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 6:46 PM Dovid Bender <do...@telecurve.com> wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> Thanks for all of the feedback. I was on site today and noticed two
>>>> things.
>>>> 1) As someone mentioned it could be for static IP's they have the
>>>> traffic going to a specific location. The POP is in NJ there was a min.
>>>> latency of 120ms which prob had to do with this.
>>>> 2) I was watching the ping times and it looked something like this:
>>>> 400ms
>>>> 360ms
>>>> 330ms
>>>> 300ms
>>>> 260ms
>>>> 210ms
>>>> 170ms
>>>> 140ms
>>>> 120ms
>>>> 400ms
>>>> 375ms
>>>> It seems to have been coming in "waves". I assume this has to do with
>>>> "how cellular work" and the signal. I tried moving it around by putting it
>>>> down low on the floor, moving it locations etc. and saw the same thing
>>>> every time. I am going to try Verizon next and see how it goes.
>>>> On Sat, Dec 29, 2018 at 12:13 PM Mark Milhollan <m...@pixelgate.net>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 28 Dec 2018, Dovid Bender wrote:
>>>>> >I finally got around to setting up a cellular backup device in our
>>>>> new POP.
>>>>> >When SSH'ing in remotely the connection seems rather slow.
>>>>> Perhaps using MOSH can help make the interactive CLI session less
>>>>> annoying.
>>>>> >Verizon they charge $500.00 just to get a public IP and I want to
>>>>> avoid
>>>>> >that if possible.
>>>>> You might look into have it call out / maintain a connection back to
>>>>> your infrastructure.
>>>>> /mark

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