Hank Nussbacher wrote:
On Fri, 20 Mar 2009, Florian Weimer wrote:
* Hank Nussbacher:
It takes me about 3-5 hours of work to track down and get an old
unused ASN to be deallocated. How about updating the 2010 charging
model so that LIRs that return ASNs are compensated?
I don't think this is a good way of using RIR funds. Why should the
old guys receive even more special treatment? RIPE's charging scheme
already discriminates heavily against newcomers.
I disagree.
Older LIRs have more allocations which compensates for the time factor
of the algorithm. Older allocations need almost no human handling by
the RIR vs a new LIR of a year which has a oodles of tickets that need
human intervention.
I don't think old vs new really matters.. pardon me for sticking w/ ARIN
in this example.. I can follow their fee structure easiest - and doesn't
have the old vs new: (https://www.arin.net/fees/fee_schedule.html)
ARIN charges $100/yr for ASN's ... any "compensation" for returning an
ASN should be less than the $100 they charge? Would it make any
financial sense to compensate someone $500 for returning an ASN that
only generates $100 a year? (Remember that the RIR's are non-profits..)
I tend to agree w/ Randy.. it's time and money better spent focusing our
efforts on supporting 4byte ASN (and v6 for that matter) Attempts at
recovering 2byte ASN's (and v4 space..) are short term solutions, at
best extend the 'free pool' for a short and unpredictable period of
time, while incurring more headache, expense, and arguing, than working
toward supporting the inevitable.