I'm sure if it doesn't do exactly that already, we can add it shortly.

Some of planned functionality for hijack detection is already live. 
That's one of the main reasons for creating this service.


On 6/16/19 2:48 AM, Brian Kantor wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 02:25:40AM -0700, Mike Leber wrote:
>> As a beta service you can try out rt-bgp.he.net.  This is a real time
>> bgp monitoring service we are developing.
> It's interesting, but I don't see any way to do what I primarily
> use the existing BGPMon for: watch for hijacks.
> That is, set up one or more prefixes to be continuously monitored
> and have the monitor send me an email alert when that prefix or a
> subnet of it begins to be announced by someone new.
> For example, if I have told it to monitor and someone
> somewhere begins announcing it, or perhaps, I'd very
> much like to know about that, along with details of who and where.
> Then if that announcement is authorized, I can tell the monitoring
> service that this new entry is NOT a hijack, and it won't bug me
> about it again.
> Can it be persuaded to do this?
>       - Brian

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