On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 6:12 PM Eric Tykwinski <eric-l...@truenet.com>

> This is the second time I’ve seen WireGuard this past week, and honestly
> sounds really promising.
> I’m probably going to test out on VyOS since I know it has support, but
> any word on ASA or JunOS?
> I.E. is this going to export to hardware since it’s in the kernel already?

The kernel? Which kernel?

Given that neither Cisco nor Juniper ever adopted support for running
OpenVPN on their platforms, I suspect it's unlikely that they'd adopt
support for Wireguard. I would venture that as far as appliance support,
the best bet is likely to be NetGate and pfSense, but I think Wireguard is
going to have to come out with an "OK, we're comfortable with being
considered production-ready" statement first, given that the front page of
their website right now still proclaims the opposite. Once that happens -
and the ball is largely in Wireguard's court to move that forward - then we
should expect to see more mainstream adoption into products like pfSense.

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