Once upon a time, Darin Steffl <darin.ste...@mnwifi.com> said:
> Are there plans for CL and Level3 to combine AS's into one network?

We have CenturyLink transit from old Qwest (AS 209) and old Level3 (AS
3356) in Chicago... when we ordered the more recent circuit, both sales
and tech said that there's no plan to merge the ASes together at this
time.  They already had peering, so I assume that just expanded.  We
haven't had any issues with either.

And BTW: when you say "CL" - those are just two of the large family of
ASes that CL has bought.  There's also old Savvis AS 6347, and other old
Savvis (aka Cable & Wireless aka InternetMCI) AS 3561, and untold more
Internet history... :)

Chris Adams <c...@cmadams.net>

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