We had an issue in NY as well and they blamed a router in ASH as well. Our
solution was to route away.

On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 2:11 PM Jared Geiger <ja...@compuwizz.net> wrote:

> We had a similar issue at 5AM Pacific time in Ashburn VA. They blamed it
> on a software bug and disabled that feature.
> We had another outage at the same time a week before also. They blamed it
> on a route table corruption that time.
> On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 10:06 AM David Deutsch <ddeut...@televergence.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> We experienced a pretty bad HE.NET <http://he.net/> outage on Friday,
>> May 31st where fiber/BGP were up on our side out of LAX and our route
>> advertisements where forwarded to public ASs; however packets stalled
>> midway in the HE network.
>> Urgent calls to their NOC escalating in the morning fell on death ears,
>> with replies like "Senior techs aren't available until later in the day".
>> Can anyone on the list from HE reach out to me directly on the issue
>> Sincerely,
>> David Deutsch
>> Televergence CTO
>> 646-502-4010

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