Something to keep in mind is that some equipment, disks in particular, should only be cooled at a certain rate once they're hot, often annoyingly slow by the specs like 2-3 degrees C per hour but there are probably circuits sensitive to this also which could be anywhere.
It came up because it happened to me in Cambridge, MA in the dead of winter and every helpful person in the building came by to suggest I just open windows and doors to the snowy outdoors to get things running sooner. It should be in the specs and if you're concerned about equipment running in too hot an environment you might be concerned about this also. Particularly after a forced power-down which also powers down equipment fans while the chips etc are still hot so will continue heating cases. Ambient air temperature might not be telling you the whole story is the point. I keep one of those big 5' fans, looks like something they use in Hollywood for windstorms and feels a bit like it on high, for just this sort of reason tho even if I just think it's getting warm, and several smaller fans to point at racks etc. The best thing you can do if it gets too hot is keep the air moving. (Where to plug the fans in after a power shutdown is your problem, I knew someone would think that!) -- -Barry Shein Software Tool & Die | | Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: +1 617-STD-WRLD | 800-THE-WRLD The World: Since 1989 | A Public Information Utility | *oo*