On Wed, 15 May 2019, Baldur Norddahl wrote:


This morning we apparently had a problem with our routers not handling the full table. So I am looking into culling the least useful prefixes from our tables. I can hardly be the first one to take on that kind of project, and I am wondering if there is a ready made prefix list or similar?

Or maybe we have a list of worst offenders? I am looking for ASN that announces a lot of unnecessary /24 prefixes and which happens to be far away from us? I would filter those to something like /20 and then just have a default route to catch all.

This may be too old to be terribly useful other than as a starting point, but we went through essentially the same thing a little more than 10 years ago:


 Jon Lewis, MCP :)           |  I route
                             |  therefore you are
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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