On 5/3/19 1:33 PM, Mohammad Khalil wrote:
Hello all
I have prepared something in the past you might find useful (hopefully).
First, it's considered rude to send attachments of any size to a mailing
list, never mind one that's almost 2 megs in size. Much better to put it
on a web site somewhere and send a URL.
Second, I normally wouldn't respond to something like this, except that
there are so many errors and bad ideas in your document that I felt
compelled to respond lest someone find it in the archives and rely on
it. I will assume that your intentions were good here, however your
results are dangerous, in the sense that someone reading your document
would be worse off than if they had not read it.
Taking one tidbit from one of your early paragraphs, "The IPv6 protocol
creates a 128-bit address, four times the size of the 32-bit IPv4
standard." There is, sort of, a sense in which you could say that the
addresses themselves are four times the size, but it creates a dangerous
impression that the total address space of IPv6 is only four times the
size of IPv4; and it's the address space that is the thing actually
worth talking about.
Many of your other errors also involve math, which suggests a lack of
understanding of basic networking concepts, binary math, etc. For
example, "With 264 available addresses per segment, it is highly
unlikely to see prefix lengths shorter than /64 for segments that host
end systems." A /64 segment in IPv6 has 2^64 address, or the entire IPv4
address range, squared. Maybe you meant to say 2^64 and forgot the
exponent indicator? Given that you correctly identify exponents in other
sections, it's hard to tell.
The document is also out of date in regards to the latest protocol
changes, deprecations, etc.; and further out of date in regards to how
operators are actually implementing IPv6.
Again, sorry to pile on ...
If anyone is looking for a pretty good introduction to the basics of
IPv6 the Wikipedia article is a good start.
hope this helps,