I'd like to give a plug for Symetricom products like the Time Provider 1100. I 
used these in my previous life at a half dozen sites.
They function as ntp servers and peer with each other over a network. In 
addition (and most important to me) they provided BITS clocks to our optical 
gear and pbx's. Very reliable and you could waste all sorts of money by 
equipping them with 1 or 2 oscillators, rubidium if you liked. The antenna 
needed a clear  view of the sky and  we mounted these at roof level to avoid 
lightning. They were heated to avoid icing.
Good stuff, never had an issue with rollovers, software was upgradable.
Sent from my android device.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Ask Bjørn Hansen" <a...@develooper.com>
To: Mehmet Akcin <meh...@akcin.net>
Cc: nanog <nanog@nanog.org>
Sent: Wed, 01 May 2019 19:43
Subject: Re: NTP question

> On May 1, 2019, at 12:22, Mehmet Akcin <meh...@akcin.net> wrote:
> I am trying to buy a GPS based NTP server like this one 
> https://timemachinescorp.com/product/gps-time-server-tm1000a/
> but I will be placing this inside a data center, do these need an actual view 
> of a sky to be able to get signal or will they work fine inside a data center 
> building? if you have any other hardware requirements to be able to provide 
> stable time service for hundreds of customers, please let me know.

[ with my hobby-hat on … ]

tl;dr: if any of the below is too much work, just run reasonably well monitored 
NTP server syncing from other NTP servers. If you want more than that, you need 
to see the sky. Don’t do the CDMA thing.

Depending on your requirements having the antenna in the window may or may not 
be satisfactory. If it’s fine you probably could just have done a regular NTP 
server in the first place.  For long swaths of the day you might not see too 
many satellites which will add to the uncertainty of the signal.

Meinberg’s GPS antenna has a bit more smarts which helps it work on up to 300 
meters on RG58 or 700 meters on RG213.  (They also have products that use 
regular L1 antennas with the limitations Bryan mentioned).


They also have a multi-mode fiber box to have the antenna be up to 2km from the 
box or 20km with their single mode fiber box, if you have fiber to somewhere 
else where you can see the sky and place an antenna.

It will be more than the one you linked to, but their systems are very 
reasonably priced, too. For “hundreds of customers” whatever is the 
smallest/cheapest box they have will work fine. Even their smallest models have 
decent oscillators (for keeping the ticks accurate between GPS signals).

The Meinberg time server products (I am guessing all of them, but I’m not sure) 
also have a mode where they poll an upstream NTP server aggressively and then 
steer the oscillator after it. I haven’t used it in production, but it worked a 
lot better than it sounded like it would.  (In other words, even without GPS 
it’s a better time server than most systems).


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