I'd like to add: 

--flow-tools and FlowViewer ( http://ensight.eos.nasa.gov/FlowViewer )

Keeps max, mean, and 95th pct. for up to three years for any predefined 
customer (defined by a flow-tool filter and stored in RRDtool). Can group 
customers for visual comparison.


"Rodriguez, Mauricio" <mauricio.rodrig...@fpl.com> wrote on 03/05/2009 
05:02:02 PM:

> Looking at possibilities for an implementation of usage-based 
> billing, it seems that the same techniques and tools always come up.
> I'm looking for some feedback from the list on experiences with 
> these tools and techniques as well as alternatives that may not be 
> listed here.
> +Techniques
>                 --Flow data (Netflow, SFlow, etc) analysis to 
> determine 95th percentile traffic levels
>                 --SNMP polling of interface counters to determine 
> 95th percentile traffic levels
> Granted, there are many interpretations of how to calculate "95th 
> percentile traffic levels" that may differ from provider to 
> provider.  Assume that we have established the method that we will use.
> +Tools
>                 --RTG
>                 --MRTG
>                 --Cacti
>                 --solarwinds Orion
>                 --Various, expensive PM tools such as Netcool 
> Proviso, JDSU NetComplete, InfoVista tools, etc
>                 --flow-tools and FlowScan combo
>                 --Arbor Networks Peakflow
> Any follow up to this thread, either on or off list, or pointers to 
> previous threads with good information would be appreciated!  My 
> search didn't turn up any, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist!
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Mauricio Rodriguez
> Manager of IP/Data Engineering, FPL FiberNet
> Email: mauricio.rodrig...@fpl.com<mailto:mauricio_rodrig...@fpl.com>

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