you can easily configure syslog-ng for forwarding/relaying syslog msgs
to another box

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 1:51 AM, Sam Stickland
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> It's looking like running all of our traps and syslog through a couple of
> relay devices (and then onwards to the various NMS's) would be quite a win
> for us.
> These relay devices just need to be "dumb" forwarders (we don't require any
> filtering or storing, just reflection), but we need an HA pair (across two
> sites) without creating duplicates.
> I have the coding skills to make this myself, but as coding skills come and
> go in our network team, we are looking for a commerical product so it will
> continnue to work after I get:  hit by a bus / amnesia / visions of
> grandeur.
> Any recommendations / experience? This needs to scale to ~1,500 devices.
> Thanks,
> Sam

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