On (2009-02-28 18:05 +0100), sth...@nethelp.no wrote: > > show route detail > > [..omitted..] > > AS path: AS2 PA[5]: 39792 35320 AS_TRANS AS_TRANS 35748 > > AS path: AS4 PA[4]: 35320 3.21 AS_TRANS 35748 > > AS path: Merged[5]: 39792 35320 3.21 AS_TRANS 35748 I > > [...omitted...] > > Agreed, that sounds wrong. However, that's not how the route appears > from here: > > show route detail | match "AS path: [0-9AM]" > AS path: AS2 PA[5]: 3356 13249 6886 AS_TRANS 35748 > AS path: AS4 PA[4]: 13249 6886 196629 35748 > AS path: Merged[5]: 3356 13249 6886 196629 35748 I > AS path: AS2 PA[6]: 1299 3356 13249 6886 AS_TRANS 35748 > AS path: AS4 PA[4]: 13249 6886 196629 35748 > AS path: Merged[6]: 1299 3356 13249 6886 196629 35748 I > > So in our case the AS4 path seems normal.
Looks OK in cisco as-dot format too, so unlike first example, I think this may be local problem. gw.ip.fi#show ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 29 Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table) Multipath: eBGP Not advertised to any peer 3292 3356 13249 6886 3.21 35748, (received & used) from ( Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external, best Community: 3292:1101 3292:1901 gw.ip.fi# -- ++ytti