It depends on your environment. I've seen where it is helpful and where it is 
overwhelming. If you are a smaller company and want to know why you keep 
getting blocked then those should help. If you are a larger company and get a 
several hundred a day, but you send 100k emails to AOL then it is not as big of 
a deal. If you are a shared hosting provider and you get a lot of them you 
should look into what is being sent to AOL, such as forwarded spam from 
customers 'auto forwards' (isolate the auto forwards to a separate IP address 
and simply don't sign up for the FBL for it).... If you have a good setup where 
only customer-originated email is being sent through the IP's you have a FBL 
on, then it is useful and you shouldn't get as many complaints.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richey [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 11:06 AM
Subject: RE: Yahoo and their mail filters..

> Feedback loops often aren't that useful either. We're on the AOL Scomp 
> feedback loop, and we've often got fairly personal email sent to our 
> abuse desk because the users simply press spam rather than delete.

AOL's Scomp is spam it's self.   If I read though 100 messages maybe one
message is really spam.   The other 99 are jokes, regular emails, maybe a
news letter from their church, etc.   Most people are lazy and would rather
click on the Spam button instead of unsubscribing for a list they subscribed
to in the first place.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Corbin [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 9:27 AM
To: Suresh Ramasubramanian; Niall Donegan
Subject: RE: Yahoo and their mail filters..

Funny we were just having similar conversation on :) . Suresh is
right about the feedback loops (you also should subscribe to
comcasts/hotmails/trend micro's ( If you don't have an
external gateway that makes doing reports easy then they are a good way to
find out when spam problems arise, such as the pesky Nigerian spammers who
constantly find new ways to thwart all anti-fraud checks prior to creating
the accounts. One thing that I did, when being an email admin for a very
large shared hosting company, was when I ran reports of emails going to I took the top 10 or so recipients and figured out who had the
forwarders setup to send to them. I talked to the customer and even gave
them alternative solutions (such as giving them 6months free for Postini
inbound anti-spam service for that forward account). The worst ones were
those who had catchalls setup to forward to their account,
those simply got notified that it was removed. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Suresh Ramasubramanian [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 6:42 AM
To: Niall Donegan
Subject: Re: Yahoo and their mail filters..

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Niall Donegan <> wrote:
> Another interesting side effect of that is email forwarder accounts.
> Take a user who gets a domain on our shared hosting setup and forwards
> the email for certain users to a Yahoo account. If those mails are
> marked as spam, it seems to be our server that gets blacklisted rather
> than the originating server.

No surprise. Guess whose IP is the one handing off to yahoo?

If you have forwarding users -

* Spam filter them to reject spam rather than simply tag and forward it.
* Isolate your forwarding traffic through a single IP,  Let ISPs know.

> Feedback loops often aren't that useful either. We're on the AOL Scomp
> feedback loop, and we've often got fairly personal email sent to our
> abuse desk because the users simply press spam rather than delete.

You have a far smaller userbase, and a userbase you know. For us, with
random nigerians and other spammers signing up / trying to sign up all
the time, FBLs are invaluable as a realtime notification of spam

And as I said random misdirected spam reports wont trigger a block as
much as your leaking forwarded spam.  Or your getting a hacked cgi/php
or a spammer installed direct to mx spamware.  [so if you are cpanel -
smtp tweak/csf firewall and mod_security for apache should be default
on your install if you havent already done so]


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