*Some* airlines pay penalties - not all.
I was in Florida on business last summer and when I went to do "web checkin" I was told "call this number 1-800xxxxxx". When I did, they apologized and said they couldn't get me out of Florida for 2 additional days. Quite upset, I wanted to know what they were going to do to cover my additional hotel/food costs plus lost time. Their answer was "we'll honor the same seat pricing for the Sunday flight even though it's normally considerably higher"... oh gee, thanks! So for the additional $4-500 in additional expenses incurred I got "a deal" on their screwup. The worst part was that I booked that particular flight and chose my seat there was ZERO others booked on it as I booked it almost 9 months in advance. So more on topic, make sure the SLA is good and perhaps confirm via references that they back it up. SLA's are no good if they are not willing to "put their money where their mouth is".... ;) Paul -----Original Message----- From: JC Dill [mailto:jcdill.li...@gmail.com] Sent: February 22, 2009 3:00 PM Cc: NANOG list Subject: Re: Comcast - No complaints! [was: Re: Craptastic Service! Jim Popovitch wrote: > On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 13:26, JC Dill <jcdill.li...@gmail.com> wrote: > >> Many businesses could make out like a bandit if they don't have to >> pay a penalty when they don't perform, but just give you your money back. >> > > I'm curious, when traveling by car or by plane, do you often demand > imposition of penalties for travel latency? Airlines pay "penalties" when they bump passengers even if you get there eventually - just later than you expected. When I am bumped because the plane is overbooked, they don't just put me on the next flight they also compensate me for not putting me on the flight I had a reservation for. When I traveled from SFO to San Diego for Thanksgiving 2 years ago I was bumped both ways. I was compensated each time with a guaranteed seat on the next flight, a meal voucher, and a ticket voucher that I used to fly to the east coast last fall, and will be flying to the east coast again this fall on the second voucher. When traveling by car I have far more control over the proposed route, time-of-day for travel, planned or spontaneous stops, etc. In exchange for this control I am also responsible for the outcome of my own travel plans. jc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains confidential and/or privileged material. If you received this in error, please contact the sender immediately and then destroy this transmission, including all attachments, without copying, distributing or disclosing same. Thank you."