On Feb 22, 2009, at 1:47 AM, Randy Bush wrote:

Does anyone have the full story on this?

bottom line:
 o do not redistribute bgp into igp
 o do not redistribute dynamic igp into bgp
 o filter your peers and customers

And don't put all your most important infrastructure stuff (e.g. name server, mail server, shell host, etc.) in the first /24 of your / <shorter> allocation.

The biggest problem with 7007 was not that it announced a bunch of prefixes. It is that 7007 announced _classful_ prefix (it had been filtered through RIP, remember?) with AS_PATH of ^7007$. This means if you had a, you saw from 7007, which is more specific. Why this is bad is left as an exercise to the reader.

And, of course, the problem persisted after the router in question was actually unplugged - not powered up or attached to any fibers/cables. Thank you Sprint for running beta code. :)


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