bgp maxas-limit has a default value of 75 if you don't include it
explicitly in the config so in this case it wouldn't have made much of a


On Mon, 16 Feb 2009, Jon Lewis wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Feb 2009, John van Oppen wrote:
> > Yep we saw the same, every customer with old IOS had their sessions die
> > to us at the same time...   That always makes for an interesting time
> > when watching the NMS system...
> Is there a reason you don't use something like "bgp maxas-limit NN" on
> your transit sessions?
> We saw this too, but it stopped at our transit routers.  There was
> actually another a few days ago.
> Feb 13 18:46:07: %BGP-6-ASPATH: Long AS path 4323 1299 12887 12741 39412
> 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625
> 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625
> 39625 39625 39625 39625...
> Feb 16 11:24:53: %BGP-6-ASPATH: Long AS path 4323 3257 29113 47868 47868
> 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868
> 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868
> 47868 47868 47868 47868...
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Jon Lewis                   |  I route
>   Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
>   Atlantic Net                |
> _________ for PGP public key_________

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