> Once upon a time, Nathan Malynn <ne...@nerdramblingz.com> said:
> > Question about 2k38: Aren't most Unixoid systems using 64-bit clocks now?
> Unix/POSIX systems use "time_t" to store the base time counter, which is
> seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).  Most platforms still
> use a 32 bit time_t for compatibility.
> However, it does appear that at some point, 64 bit Linux systems
> switched to a 64 bit time_t, so I can only assume others are switching
> as well.  Hopefully, the 32 bit systems (at least that have to count
> seconds) will be mostly gone in another 29 years.

FreeBSD used a 64-bit time_t for the AMD64 port pretty much right away.
On the flip side, it used a 32-bit time_t for the Alpha port.  I guess
someone predicted "it wouldn't be a problem."

Nowhere near as annoying a problem as the variability of the size of

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
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