On 10/02/2009, at 3:20 PM, Christopher Morrow wrote:
IPv6 it's easier, but you're still limiting the uptime of your
system to
that of the DHCPv6 server. Router advertisements is much more
'more robust'... except it doesnt' actually get a device into a usable
state without admins walking around to each machine and poking at them
randomly. if you have 5 machines that's cool, knock yourself out, if
you have 5000 or 50000 you are in a completely different ballpark of
work. DHCP servers do this today, the servers pass out all the
relevant bits require for dynamic-addressed and static-addressed
systems, they can be rebooted, moved, re-addressed, re-homed... all
without the masses of clients stopping their work.
I believe you are mis-interpreting Iljitsch's comments.
I believe he is talking about SLAAC, you are talking about *no* DHCPv6.
The difference is, SLAAC can still use DHCPv6 to get configuration
information. If the DHCPv6 server goes away when using SLAAC for
addressing, configuration information is already there.
I have a lot of problems with DHCP and most people don't _need_
it. Still,
can you explain how 'most people don't need it'?? is that because most
people have an admin to go configure their DNS servers in their
resolver config?? Consumer Internet users are a great example of this,
if necessary an ISP can pass out new DNS servers, and in 8-10 days
easily remove the old DNS servers from the network, or move them to
another place in the network seemlessly without having to touch each
consumer device.
Why would anyone NOT want that?? what replaces that option in current
RA deployments?
Again, this seems to be confusion with SLAAC vs. "no DHCPv6 what so
ever". I could be wrong though - I don't want to be putting words in
to Iljitsch's mouth.
Nathan Ward