In message <>, Matthew Kaufman writes: > Owen DeLong wrote: > > In terms of implementing the code, sure, the result is about the same, > > but, the key point here is that there really isn't a benefit to having that > > packet mangling code in IPv6. > > Unless your SOX auditor requires it in order to give you a non-qualified > audit of your infrastructure.
The SOX auditor ought to know better. Any auditor that requires NAT is incompenent. > The real problem with IPv6 deployment is not that it can't be done, but > that there are so many still-to-be-answered questions between here and > there... And the only way to answer them is to go ahead and find the gaps. Waiting and waiting won't find the problems and will just put you under more time presure. Mark > Matthew Kaufman -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: