On Wed, 4 Feb 2009 15:56:44 -0800, Scott Howard <sc...@doc.net.au> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 9:30 PM,
> Anthony Roberts <na...@arbitraryconstant.com> wrote:
>> It has been my experience that when you give someone a huge address
>> to play with (eg 10/8), they start doing things like using bits in the
>> address as flags for things. Suddenly you find yourself using a prefix
>> that should enough for a decent sized country in a half-rack.
> Which is, of course, a core design philosophy for IPv6. Stateless
> autoconfig
> relies on the fact that each network will be allocated 2^64 address.

I'm actually pretty happy about /64's, they take away all the hand-wringing
over how big a network should be, and they make manually configured server
addresses easier to remember through the use of big regions of 0s. I was
thinking more about wasting prefix bits.


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