Considering the lingering Comcast gig w/the SEC, I can't see that flying
well.  (Unless they manage to pull a PUC/DTE thing like VZ has done in the
past, and manage to get exec(s) placed as commisioner(s)).

Because of Google's insanely disproportionate market domination, I don't
see them staying under the radar for long if this is the case.

But, it could simply be a misconfig on a Friday night...

On Sat, 31 Jan 2009, Marshall Eubanks wrote:

:On Jan 31, 2009, at 9:50 AM, Peter Beckman wrote:
:> This morning whilest Googling, I got a bunch of "Permission Denied" to
:> "/interstitial?..." URLs on Google.
:> Then all my search results got listed as "This site may harm your
:> computer."
:Yes, I got it for a search link to wikipedia and to my own sites.
:I am cynical; I would guess that there is some for-pay "web site
:blessed by Google"
:certificate coming.
:> Is Google broken, or is the functionality of listing sites as broken,
:> broken?
:> Beckman
:> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
:> Peter Beckman
:> Internet Guy
:> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Brian Wallingford
  Director, Network Operations
MegaNet Communications, TCIX, Inc.

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