On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 2:55 PM, David Ulevitch <dav...@everydns.net> wrote:

> Is there anyone here who can provide an update to the ISPs and SPs on this
> list? NetSol still (amazingly) manages to do DNS for a few hundred thousand
> domains...
> -David

I'm counting a whole lot more than that.

I see 1.9 _million_ domains in .com alone.

Altho, I just tested a random-ish sample of 1,000 of them and got sub-75msec
response times, so, the issues may be resolved.

In either case , sounds like they need to rock UltraDNS, eh? :p


Jamie Rishaw // .com.a...@j <- reverse it. ish.

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