We also enjoyed a large multicast stream -- we selected the one provided by Northwestern University's retransmission of C-SPAN's coverage. We consumed the stream via KanREN's link to The Great Plains Network (our Internet2 connector).

If anyone is on the list from Northwestern University: Thanks for your work... if nothing else, it helped a bunch of dorks in Kansas watch the events without consuming precious I1 capacity. :D
Brad Fleming
Network Engineer
Kansas Research and Education Network
Office:    785-856-9800 x.222
Moblie:  785-865-7231
NOC:     866-984-3662

On Jan 21, 2009, at 5:29 AM, Tim Chown wrote:

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 12:38:11PM -0500, Christopher Morrow wrote:
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Brian Wallingford <br...@meganet.net > wrote:
On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Jay Hennigan wrote:

:We're a regional ISP, about 80% SMB 20% residential.  We're seeing
:almost double our normal downstream traffic right now. Anyone else?

We're seeing traffic levels nearly 2x normal.  On 9/11/01, we were
probably only about 50% higher than the norm.  Of course, lots has
changed, so that's probably not a fair comparison.

As an aside... thanks to BBC for streaming this, I couldn't find
another source that wasn't overloaded/jerky/ugly :(

The Beeb's HD multicast feed is about 23Mbit/s to the host, and we received it at quite decent (subjective) quality here on a JANET-connected university site. The feed runs continuously (as far as any 'as-is' test stream does :)
and this morning is pretty flawless.

The interesting aspect of the HD stream was seeing how various systems coped with the CPU load. It was good to have some HD content available that encouraged people to install vlc, find out a little about multicast, and
system issues in receiving it.

Thanks again Beeb :)


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