Now that doesn't mean other operators can't put in a lightning talk
about the impact or 'event' this triggered in their own NOC environments
along with what they recommend operators do to reduce the spun cycles <G>
great idea!
as i was about to send to someone else with a thinner skin than you :)
path poisoning is used operationally, though we suspect somewhat
ill-advisedly. but the proof of the latter will be in the pudding.
imiho, alarm systems that raise a real alert about my asn being in the
as path of *someone else's prefix* are systems i would repair. at most,
it's a "when you're bored, take a look at this strangeness."
of course, we're sorry we set off folk's broken alarm systems :-) [
sense of humor required, leo ]
and, fwiw, i liked the haiku!