My apologizes for jumping the gun.

Michienne Dixon
Network Administrator
312 Armour Rd.
North Kansas City, MO  64116
(816) 412-7990

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Bush [] 
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 1:42 PM
To: Paul Stewart
Cc: Majdi S. Abbas; Michienne Dixon;
Subject: Re: Anyone notice strange announcements for

On 09.01.13 03:52, Paul Stewart wrote:
> Same here.. got a notice this morning and while it's false, I still 
> have no response from Randy neither on this matter..

guy's gotta sleep some time.  it's 04:40 here.

if you wrote me directly, you would have a response by now.  almost to
the bottom of my mailbox.

part of the experiment is to measure the difference between the amount
of nanog mail lorenzo drew in 2005 by pre-announcing with the amount we
get in 2009 while not pre-announcing.  :)


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