
While technically you are correct, I would say that you probably should also add a category for mobile communications LAND/SEA/AIR. The traffic for these will be increasing in time as vendors are starting to put switches and routers on-board spacecraft making applications that were once borderline, because of delay, more acceptable. Depending on what you are doing (eg. comm between two satellite ground stations, mobile or stationary) the application can benefit from from reduced RTT due to this innovation. One-way delay would thus be about 250ms. This is greater than the generally accepted 150ms for a voice call but with good voice quality 250ms is not bad. This of course is based on GEO sats. LEO or MEO satellites are much closer to the earth so the delay would be less but they present a whole host of other complexities.

While satellites will probably never come close to the volume of ground-based comm, they will cater to niche markets, military, mobile and disadvantaged users.

WRT Kevin's query, if you are concerned about a solar incident and it's affects on satcom, you might want to take a look at what user base (e.g. which mobile users and what impact loss of comm will have on what they are doing) is affected rather than understanding the volumes that are affected as this might provide a much more thorough understanding of any impact. But that is merely my two cents worth.


Jeffrey Lyon wrote:

Satellite transport is common mainly in areas where land based
infrastructure is not feasible. In developed nations this is almost
exclusively the case. Satellite latency is far too high to rely on it
for routine communications unless used as a last resort.

Best regards, Jeff

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 3:34 PM,  <> wrote:


Participting in a severe solar event EXERCISE.  Can anyone give me an
educated guesstimate of the percentage of backbone traffic that is
satellite dependent vs. that which is totally land-based?


Kevin Smith
Information Systems & Services
Department of Community Affairs  [preferred]
850.922.9921  [voice]
850.487.3376  [fax]

Sent from a BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

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