On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 11:21:50AM -0800, Matthew Petach wrote:
> Given the lurking presence of wannabe press vultures here, I
> doubt you'll see anything forthcoming from the technical folks
> about what actually happened.  This is not to say that people
> haven't been informed of the issue, it's simply that NANOG is
> no longer a friendly hapy techie-only place where such information
> can be shared without it being seized on and quoted without
> permission by the press.

It was good advice then; it's even better advice now:

        Never say anything in an electronic message that you wouldn't want
        appearing, and attributed to you, in tomorrow morning's front-page
        headline in the New York Times.
                --- Colonel David Russell, former head
                of DARPA's Information Processing Techniques Office


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