The 5GB/month cutoff would be a bit of a damper there...

– S

-----Original Message-----
From: Tomas L. Byrnes <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 12:58
To: Matthew Black <>; 
<>; Jay Hennigan <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: What to do when your ISP off-shores tech support

Sounds like a business opportunity to me.

Given any thought to Sprint EV-DO?

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Matthew Black []
>Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:02 AM
>To: Tomas L. Byrnes;; Jay Hennigan
>Subject: Re: What to do when your ISP off-shores tech support
>On Wed, 24 Dec 2008 09:51:41 -0800
>  "Tomas L. Byrnes" <> wrote:
>> Cox Communications has fully on-shore support. Here in SD they are
>> actually LOCAL.
>> Their TS staff are responsive and courteous. I only wish their network
>> were more reliable. (They're better than SBC in my experience,
>In Verizon land, residential customers do not have
>CLEC voice or DSL alternatives. We do not have Cox.
>Our area is served by Charter Communications who has
>the broadband cable monopoly. Verizon has the fiber
>monopoly with their FIOS. AT&T fiber is not possible
>in Verizon land. Nobody competes against Verizon for
>residential service in Southern California. However,
>Charter cable customers can get dial tone and data
>matthew black
>e-mail postmaster
>bargaining unit 9 representative
>csueu chapter 315
>network services BH-188
>california state university, long beach
>1250 bellflower boulevard
>long beach, ca  90840-0101
>work phone: 562-985-5144

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