I wasn't aware of imagestream using any custom (asic) hardware, except
the T1/3 cards in the concentrator we bought from them (worked like a
champ, btw).


On 12/19/08, Martin List-Petersen <mar...@airwire.ie> wrote:
> Henry Yen wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 18:32:40PM -0700, Michael Loftis wrote:
>>> --On December 18, 2008 4:02:14 PM -0800 Bruce Robertson
>>> <br...@greatbasin.net> wrote:
>>>> Imagestream does nice work as well.
>>> I'll second the plug for imagestream as well.
>>>> Soucy, Ray wrote:
>>>>> If all you're looking for is basic routing though, it might be
>>>>> worthwhile just getting a Vyatta appliance.
>> Aren't both Imagestream and Vyatta routers built atop a Linux platform?
> So is Juniper a BSD base (if I recall correct). The difference is the
> selection of hardware and added routing hardware.
> The issue is, that those additions, that Juniper, Imagestream and Vyatta
> add, are not available on the standard platform, so it can't be quite
> compared.
> Kind regards,
> Martin List-Petersen
> --
> Airwire - Ag Nascadh Pobal an Iarthar
> http://www.airwire.ie
> Phone: 091-865 968

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Brandon Galbraith
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